How I found Jayce

In early 2021 I was thinking about getting a dog and decided to foster a greyhound, not because I was particularly interested in the breed but I thought it would be a good way of seeing whether I was ready for the full-time responsibility of a dog as well as gain me adult-dog handling experience for rescue applications.

I expected my foster dog to be shutdown and nervous so you can imagine my surprise when Jayce bounced around the corner for the first time. He was confident and curious from the get go – happy to experience all the new situations as his world rapidly expanded from the 3^2m cage where he’d spent the first three years of his life. His foster period wasn’t without its challenges (he didn’t eat for the first few days and his food fussiness is something I deal with to this day) but despite that I realised he ticked a lot of the boxes I was looking for in a dog. He was curious, intelligent, got along well with other dogs and fine being left alone. It wasn’t until he had a meet and greet lined up with another couple that I asked to adopt him and despite the huge anxiety I felt, the rest is history.

I started his Instagram account to stop spamming a group chat of family and friends with photos of him and began sharing our training and food journey as well as delving into what responsible dog ownership looks like today.

Jayce also introduced me to greyhounds and the greyhound racing industry by proxy, making me determined to use what power and influence I have to make a difference so one day, all greyhounds will only know pet life.


Doing the math on pet insurance, is it worth it?


Language Matters: Greyhounds Aren’t Untrainable