Anti-Greyhound Racing Business Directory FAQs
This doesn’t require any sweeping declarations or actions. In most cases, simply confirming that your business has the same, anti-greyhound racing values is enough. If you want to make a post about it, add ‘anti-greyhound racing’ to your businesses website or social media bios is a bonus!
That said, there are cases where businesses with prior ‘pro-greyhound racing’ support (either explicit or implicit) have re-evaluated and have changed their values to be anti-greyhound racing. This is absolutely fantastic and I am so grateful for this. From these businesses a public post confirming this or some other public declaration (e.g. an ‘anti greyhound racing’ line in a bio) is required.
Fill out the form below or email me at
It’s a contentious topic! Greyhounds as Pets (GAP) are the rehoming arm of the racing industry and do a lot less compared to rescues who don’t have government funding and have controversial practices in which dogs they do and don’t accept. GAP markets help them maintain this sub-par status quo by presenting the illusion of public support through full market stalls and bustling adoption days which helps masks the darker side of GAP and the industry. Therefore, businesses who choose to attend GAP markets will not be included on the Directory.
If your business has previously but no longer attends GAP/ Industry markets, that’s fine and feel free to reach out!
Don’t worry, they may not have been contacted yet! You can either reach out to them and then let me know. Or just let me know that you’d like me to reach out to them. Fill out the form below or email me at
Some quick statistics:
In 2023, 320 greyhounds were killed on track and 11,600 dogs were injured (source). Additionally, the industry overbreeds dogs by around 25% per year (source) – what happens to these dogs? Last but not least, millions of taxpayer dollars are spent on the industry each year (source), 69% of taxpayers are against this (source).
These statistics make it a public issue: if you pay taxes (as an individual or a business) or care about animal welfare as an individual or a business then it is important to be anti-greyhound racing.
Being anti-racing is a way to speak out against the above statistics. It also provides moral (and sometimes financial!) support to rescues (mainly volunteer run), foster carers, greyhound adopters and anyone else who is actively or passively seeking an end to such a cruel industry.
People are increasingly choosing to support businesses who align with their values. This Directory provides an easy way to check a business’ anti-greyhound racing status, especially when it may not otherwise be obvious.
It also demonstrates the lack of support for the racing industry which is useful when engaging in discussions with politicians about the future of greyhound racing.
Not necessarily! Depending on the interest the Directory receives, it could definitely branch out and have different categories.
Firstly, THANK YOU.
Content: can your business create or share anti-greyhound racing content or greyhound rescue content to help bring more awareness? For example, if your local rescue posts a call out for foster carers.
Donate: is your business in the position to donate to a local rescue? This could either be a percentage of profits (total or of a certain item), having in cart donations, selling a bag of treats at cost that is donated, or donating stock! Contact your local rescue and see what could be mutually beneficial.
Donate: is your business in the position to donate to a local rescue? This could either be a percentage of profits (total or of a certain item), having in cart donations, selling a bag of treats at cost that is donated, or donating stock! Contact your local rescue and see what could be mutually beneficial.
Firstly, I’m really sorry to hear this and I’m sorry I got it wrong initially. Please fill out the form below or email me at and I’ll have it removed. I hope in the future you will be able to publicly commit to animal welfare efforts.
Oops? Please fill out the contact form below or email me at